For everyone's life, you're invited to run or sponsor a runner in the 27th annual Big Sur International Marathon, April 29, 2012, on behalf of Lazarex Cancer Foundation. Join Lazarex’s "Team for Life" and help raise funds for an
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Run for Cancer Cures
Over 15,000 people in the United States die from cancer every day; that is why the Lazarex Cancer Foundation is here to help. The most common forms of cancer are lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. There is currently no cure for cancer, but many laboratories
How to Find Support while training to run for a cause
It is remarkable that you have decided to run for a cause. Now as you start to train for it, it is essential that you have a good support system that would ensure
Run A Race Or Create Your Own Event In Your Neighborhood To Support Lazarex Cancer Foundation
Lazarex Cancer Foundation is an organization that gives hope and dignity
Create Your Own Event for a Good Cause
You can help the people around you in many ways. You can show your support towards a particular cause by donating to them, running marathons in their honor or you can even create your own event to raise funds on their behalf.
Things Not to Do Days before Your Marathons
When you are preparing for a marathon, it is evident that you have undergone weeks or months of consistent training and conditioning. Training for marathons takes a lot of dedication and hard work and it certainly should not go to waste.
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